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is made of trisiloxane based non-ionic organic silicone, which acts as a natural surfactant. When Amrut is mixed in water, it reduces water surface tension by 400%. Thereby water spreads easily, which results in 30 - 70 % reduction in water usage and Pesticide usage. By Using Amrut at Just 50 - 70 Rs / Acre / Spray, Farmers can easily save minimum of 50% of money spent on pesticides / fungicides and all other foliar sprays. 


Science Behind Amrut

All liquids on this earth had surface tension. Surface tension is the tendency of liquid surfaces to shrink into the minimum surface area possible.


Ex : Surface tension in water droplets: 

Surface tension is responsible for the shape of liquid droplets. Although easily deformed, droplets of water tend to be pulled into a spherical shape by the cohesive forces of the surface layer.















Ex : ants walk on water : Water striders use this surface tension to their advantage through their highly adapted legs and distributed weight. The legs of a water strider are long and slender, allowing the weight of the water strider body to be distributed over a large surface area. 





Ex : Floating a needle: A carefully placed small needle can be made to float on the surface of water even though it is several times as dense as water. If the surface is agitated to break up the surface tension, then needle will quickly sink.







Ex : a paper clip made of steel can indeed float on the water surface. The higher surface tension of water helps the paper clip with much higher density to float on the water.












This reasons are our farmers fate, due to the high surface tension of water, when pesticides are sprayed by mixing with water, They don’t spread on leafs, can’t penetrate into the leaves, simply slide on leaf surfaces and fell on the earth ( 30 - 40 % ) and 30 - 40 % vaporise from leaf surface due to sun light. water, labour work, money spent on pesticides/ fungicides / herbicides and all other sprays are getting wasted. Foliar sprayings are not serving the purpose due to surface tension.


Lot of research papers are saying that 80% of sprayings are getting wasted. Which is a very serious issue. Only 20% of pesticides we buy are serving the purpose. We cannot digest this truth.


The term surface tension is responsible for all these wastage’s


  • Water wastage in spraying

  • Wastage of Money spent on Pesticides and other foliar sprays

  • Labour wage wastage

  • Earth pollution due to Fallen pesticides residues

  • Death of microbial life in earth. Disturbances in humus formation.

  • Ground water pollution due to infiltration of pesticides residues fallen on earth surface into deeper layers of earth

  • Rivers and lakes water pollution due to carryover of pesticide residues by rainwater & flooded water

  • Death of living species in river water

  • This water comes into our homes for domestic usage and causing severe health problems

  • Air pollution due to vaporised pesticide residues that are not penetrated into leaves

  • farmers and we breath the same pesticide rich air on daily basis and causing severe health problems 

  • Pollinators and other flying animals die due to this pesticide rich air

  • Pollination losses are again causing crop failures due to fruit setting problems



Water wastage : 

In India Agriculture is consuming 70 % of fresh water. farmers spray 100 to 200 Litres / acre / spray. A minimum of 1000 Litres / acre / Season. Out of this, 50 - 70 % of water is getting wasted due to high water surface tension & waxy nature of leaf surfaces. In india, 400 million acres are under cultivation. Roughly 1000 Billion Litres of water is used for foliage in india per season. We can save minimum of 500 billion Litres of water per year by using our product amrut. This water savings can be supplied to 10 million Families domestic water usage.


Pesticides/ fungicides / herbicides wastage :

 In 2020, India consumed 20,000 Crore rupees worth Pesticides. Its increasing at the rate of 8% yearly during last 10 years. There is an estimation that it will reach 32,000 crores by 2024. People will see me mad, if i say, Just stop using pesticides today itself.

I am not that dump to say to this dump people. They don’t understand ( we know how mad people are ). That’s why, we are saying to use our product amrut, which will reduce pesticide usage by 70%. That’s almost 20,000 crore money will be saved by farmers yearly, if you use Amrut with every spray. this is really a big achievement for us. We are really proud of this.


Pesticide pollution: ( we we poisoning the 5 elements )

Pesticides fallen on earth surface kills the microbial life. if microbes die, humus production stops. No humus means - less water holding ability, less nutrients in soul, less bio available food for plants, less microbial activity - less porosity -  Less root development - less crop yields - simply Mother soil looses its life.


Groundwater pollution : 

Any living Species, who drink this Pesticide Residue Ground water will be diseased or less energetic in their life and causing severe health diseases.


Canals, lakes & river water pollution : 

Only in USA, Due to pesticides getting mixed in rivers, 14 million fishes are dying yearly worth 50 million dollars.

Air Pollution :

birds and other flying animals are dying. Only in USA, 67 million Wild birds are dying every year year, Worth 2.1 billion dollars. Some researches are saying that - If a dog, baby boy or girl play in the present agriculture fields for few days, they will be affected by cancer in their lifetime. Immune responses of human bodies are Declining due to Pesticides.


with just one mistake, hundreds of consequences.


We come with one simple solution. that is Amrut. All these consequences will be controlled with the help of amrut. Mixing amrut in water reduces the surface tension of that mixture by minimum of 400%. which means water drops spreads immediately.


Science :

Just one drop of water has 1.5 sextrillion water molecules. This 1.5 × 10 power 24 molecules are strongly bonded with the help of chemical bonds. These bonds look like threads. Imagine if that bonds break. how easily the water will spread.

Ex : Imagine, A ballon is filled with mustard seeds and placed on a table. If you touch the ballon with needle, all the mustard seeds with spread over the table. Here in Agriculture, That ballon is a water drop. Mustard seeds are water molecules. Needle is amrut. Table is the leaf.


When Amrut is mixed in water at a rate of 5 - 6 ML per tank. The bonds between 1.5 × 10 power 24 molecules will break down. These molecules will flow freely. They got the freedom. Which results in Fastest spreading ability to water on leaves. All the spreaded molecules of water on the leaf will penetrate into the leaf. Because, stomata holes are very minute/Nano in size. these broken molecules will go inside easily. the chemicals we spray will go inside and work for longer time.


  • Workability of sprays will be increased/ doubled. Previously, sprayings work for only 2 to 3 days - It’s like pushing basketball into golf hole. Now the same Sprayings works up to 7 to 8 days - Now it’s like pouring mustard seeds into it. This is a big difference


  • Vaporisation will be reduced so much. Cell absorption of water with nutrients will be increased. More water will go inside plant system. As we all know 70 to 80% of plant is made of water. So the more water, the plants drink - more Mass it gains, More Yield we get. More nutrients will be harvested from soil. More nutritious food we enjoy.


  • 50% less pesticide usage & water usage in spraying results in less time for spraying and Less labour charge.


  • Almost 30 to 50% cost of cultivation will be reduced with just Rs.100 per acre of (amrut).


  • Pollution will be Controlled

  • Health will be enhanced. Diseases will come to control

  • A big use for less money


  • Rain fastness : How are you we all know that, when rain happens just after the spray done by farmer. Imagine how sad it is. Rs.2000 Pesticide, Rs.500 labour charge, his Sweat but when you spray whatever with mixing Amrut, miracle happens, Justin minute the chemical you spray goes in and and start working. Purpose of spraying will be fulfilled. Only less than 10 to 20% spraying will be wasted.

  • Spreading, penetrating, absorption Abilities of amrut will lead to 50% less water usage in spraying

A research by down the earth organisation said - India is the largest consumer of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides.


US fish and Wildlife services estimates that


  • Pollination looses are worth 200 million dollars per year. Pollinators are killed with pesticides.

  • Pesticides are killing natural enemies of evil pests, which is Causing 520 million dollars worth loss every year.

  • 14 million fishes are dying yearly worth 50 million dollars.

  • 67 million Wild birds are dying per year, Worth 2.1 billion dollars.


This is only in just one country : USA


Amrut logically reduces the pesticide Usage. Rather than saying stop, we say reduce. that too with an alternative substitute called *Amrut 


Pests Are damaging only a certain percentage of crops. but by using pesticides, we are destroying all the ecosystems of nature.

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