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Avani Means Mother Soil - Sudhi Means Purification

So The purpose of Avani Sudhi is to Cleanse / Purify / Condition the mother Soil.

Why Purifying the soil ?

Is it not Clean ?

Does it Damaged ?

If Damaged, Then How ?

Before Knowing the Importance of Avani Sudhi,

Firstly Lets us know, what Happened to the Richest 

Life Contained Element " Soil "


Avani sudhi is now ultra refined and made human consumable. We launched it as a product called ANTIQUE. To know more, Click the button given below





Main reasons for soil damage

Excessive use of chemical / synthetic
damaged soil food web

Excessive tillage caused
soil compaction, disrupting in soil structure, failure in water infiltration


Lack of Crop Rotation
caused imbalances in soil nutrient composition & build of pathogens 


Burning Crop Residues caused disturbances in carbon cycle, global warming, loss of bio available plant nutrients

And many more
Human Activities

The only Solution of soil Regeneration 


Is Complex mixture of key elements like

Carboxylic acid compounds, Phenolate compounds, Poly electrolytes, Mineral colloids, Di & tri basic compounds, Carbon nano tubes, Salicylic acid, Cytokinin, Gibberellins, Auxins, Oxides of silicone, trace Minerals such as Aluminium, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Bromine, Cadmium, Calcium, Carbon, Cerium, Cerium, Chloride, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Dysprosium, Erbium, Europium, Fluoride, Gadolinium, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Hafnium, Holmium, Indium, Iodine, Iridium, Iron, Lanthanum, Lead, lithium, Lutetium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Neodymium, Nickel, Niobium, Osmium, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Praseodymium, Rhenium, Rhodium, Rubidium, Ruthenium, Samarium, Scandium, selenium, Silicon, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Sulphur, Tantalum, Tellurium, Terbium, Thallium, Thorium, Thulium, Tin, Titanium, Tungsten, Vanadium, Ytterbium, Yttrium, Zinc, Zirconium, and Few Other Organic Compounds.


Current scientific studies show that the fertility of soil is determined to a very large extent by the content of organic concentrates. Their high cation-exchange capacity (CEC), the oxygen content as well as the above average water holding capacity are the reasons for the high value of using avani sudhi for improving soil fertility and plant growth.

It is pointless putting down Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium  or any other type of nutrient if your Mothersoil does not have the capacity (or CEC) to hold these nutrients. It is like washing your money down the drain, literally. Avani sudhi  has a CEC of 1,450meq/100g. This is the highest level of CEC for any natural material on the earth

The most important feature of avani sudhi is it’s  ability to bind insoluble metal ions, oxides and hydroxides, and to release them slowly and continually to plants when required. Due to these properties, Avani Sudhi is known to produce three types of effects: physical, chemical and biological.

Physical Benefits :

Avani Sudhi physically modify the structure of the soil. It

  1. improves the structure of soil: Prevent high water and nutrient losses in light, sandy soils. Simultaneously convert them into fruitful soils by way of decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, aeration of soil and water retention are improved; cultivation measures are facilitated. 

  2. prevent soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing the ability of colloids to combine.

  3. help the soil to loosen and crumble and thus increase aeration of soil as well as soil workability.

  4. increase water holding capacity of soil and thus help resist drought.

  5. darken the color of the soil and thus help absorption of the sun energy.

Chemical Benefits :

Avani Sudhi chemically change the fixation properties of the soil. It

  1. neutralize both acid and alkaline soils; regulate the pH-value of soils.

  2. improve and optimize the uptake of nutrients and water by plants. 

  3. increase buffering properties of soil.

  4. act as natural chelator for metal ions under alkaline conditions and promote their uptake by the roots.

  5. rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth.

  6. retain water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduce their leaching.

  7. possess extremely high cation-exchange capacities.

  8. promote the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other trace elements)

    into forms available to plants.

  9. enhance the uptake of nitrogen by plants.

  10. reduce the reaction of phosphorus with (Ca, Fe, Mg and Al) and liberate it into a form that is available and beneficial to plants. The productivity of particularly mineral fertilizers is increased considerably.

  11. liberate carbon dioxide from soil calcium carbonate and enable its use in photosynthesis.

  12. help to eliminate chlorosis caused by iron deficiency in plants.

  13. reduce the availability of toxic substances in soils.

Biological Benefits :

Avani Sudhi  biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of microorganisms. It

  1. stimulate plant enzymes and increase their production.

  2. act as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.

  3. stimulate growth and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil.

  4. enhance plants natural resistance against disease and pest.

  5. stimulate root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of nutrients. Increased root respiration and root formation.

  6. promote the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and support photosynthesis. Raise in vitamin and mineral content of plants.

  7. thicken the cell walls in fruits and prolong the storing and shelf time.

  8. increase in germination and viability of seeds.

  9. stimulate plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, enhancing the rate of formation in root systems, which results in higher yield of dry matter.

  10. improve the quality of yields, their physical appearance and nutritional value.


The Old Age organic substances present in our product Avani Sudhi Are very aged, nearly 70,000,000 years. It also contains Marine extracts and various other organic compounds.


For you to understand this term  “70 million years” concept You need a theory.


Carbon cycle :


Whole life on this planet is basically made of carbon.

You, me everybody are carbon made.

This carbon do cycling every day.


Mahabharatha said, the Total number of living species on earth are 84 Lakh Approximately. Some researches are saying that living species are in between 100 to 140 Lakh. out of which only 14%  ( 12 Lakh )  are documented and the remaining 86% are not at described.

Total insect population is 10 billion billion.

Human population is only 8 billion. 

( But we with our greatest activities destroyed 70% of whole animal population in last 50 years. A great achievement by human beings )

Plant species are nearly about 4 lakh plus. If you try to imagine that each species of animal or plant are having their population.


Humans are 8 billion. Their mass is 350 million tonnes

Dogs are 30 crores

Bacteria population are 4 quadrillion quadrillion. Their mass is 1 million million tonnes

Ants Population is 10 billion billion. Their mass is 3000 million tonnes

Fish population mass is 2000 million tonnes

Cattle population is 1.4 billion. Their Mass is 520 Million tonnes

Termites are 445 million tonnes

Sheep are 65 million tonnes

Elephants are 20 Lakh tonnes



Like this, when we discuss about the population and the body mass of all the plant and animal species on this earth, it’s a huge tonnage ( weight ). 

Born animal should eat every day. Latter poop every day.

Born animal should reproduce someday. Reproduction multiplies the population.

Born animal should die one day.

Where this whole born, reproduced, died, pooped mass is going ?


Unaccountable population, unmeasurable mass of the population of different species


not all this population is fed on plants. They mostly eat non-veg. as a part of the food cycle, they eat eachother. that’s the nature.Food cycle happens. Like this….


Plants biomass like green leaves, twigs, Branches, fruits, et cetera et cetera are eaten by different micro & macro organisms.

Ex : Fresh leaves are eaten by cows, goats, et cetera et cetera.

Ex : Fallen leaves are eaten by bacteria fungi and small insects.

This  small insects, fungi & bacteria are eaten by nematodes, mites etc.

These nematodes are eaten by earthworms.

Earthworms are eaten by birds & few other animals.


one animal or plant is eaten by another animal. This animal is eaten by another animal.


A eats B

B eats C

C eats B

There are thousands of permutations and combinations in this food web.


This is called food cycle or soil food web


Generally, what is eaten should be pooped out. Excreted out. When you are eating & living, you will die someday. it maybe due to your old age or maybe due to the natural disasters or maybe due to the disease. everyone will die one day.


Whether you poop,

whether you die,

Along with you, your dog will also poop, dog will also die one day.

All the species on this planet will poop everyday and die one day.

Where all these pooped matter and died matter is going. ( bio mass / weight )


All these matter or biomass is getting decomposed by the decomposing organisms.

These decomposing microorganisms are also eaten by few other microbes.

same repeats. they will also die. they will also becomes the biomass ( organic matter ).


And this organic matter ( humus ) decomposes Daily.

Humus production is a daily process. And this is one of the natures law.

We as humans don’t have any command on it. Don’t have any control on it. we should not interfere in it.

It’s a process involved by trillions of living things.


eating - pooping - deaths. This is happening since earth was born  ( 4.54 billion years ago )

This responsibility is taken by all living things. we are also just part of it.

So from this, you can understand “humus” will be produced every day.

This humus is eaten by plants in a micro quantities. Only 2% of plant’s diet is soil humus. Remaining 98% is air, water, cosmic energy, sun energy.

Fresh Humus that is produced one year back, it doesn’t work best for plants.

Humus produced 10 years back works little bit better.

Humus produced 100 years back works even better.

So age of the humus is important. Age decides quality of humus. Humus becomes stable by age.

Humus goes on decomposes for millions of years and finally it becomes fossil fuel ( coal / crude oil etc ).

If you closely observe,

When your dog poops today. Today it will be fresh, But latter

Day two

Day three


Day 30, it loses the complete moisture and becomes dry matter.

This dry matter is eaten by few microbes and started decomposition process. And if you observe after two months.

This dry matter becomes black. volume & weight is also reduced.

Take Another example :

Take 10 trucks of fresh cow dung

Put it on the floor

Simply leave it

Observe it after two years

You’ll observe two things

  1. volume & weight of the cow dung will be reduced so much.

  2. Colour of the cow dung will become blackish ( darker ).

So what happens here is “decomposition” / “humification”

Organic matter, humus, manure, Compost, biomass, humic substance, Decomposed matter, all these things are nothing but generally humus. 

So as the days passes, This humus, becomes more concentrated, reduces its volume, reduces its weight, becomes more darker, more soluble, more active, more nutritious, more bio available, more plant absorbable, more farming friendly. More tasty to eat for plants.

Fossil / Coal formation process :

Animals - died - Reproduced - pooped.

plants - fallen leaves, branches, fruits - died - fired

All these becomes organic matter.

Organic matter becomes peat In 2000 years.

Peat becomes lignite in 70 million years.


Lignite at some places at its convenient temperatures and pressures, In a specific conditions, it’s getting more oxidised and becoming a new element called DOC. This element was founded by “AG Leonard” a great scientist.


There is an estimate given by the scientists , Nearly 30 tonnes of manure or organic matter has become 1 KG DOC, In the process of decomposition, Which took 70 million years time.


If you don’t observe this DOC stage, latter lignite becomes coal in another 230 million years , Which is not useful in agriculture. it has only fuel purpose.


Scientists found that this element is having a unique agricultural properties, which will have a Huge impact on organic farming.

This is the one of the key element that is present in our product “Avani sudhi”.

This is a never ending process. This is happening today also.

We should not interfere it with our activities Like killing microbes with using herbicides, fertilisers & pesticides. 

This element DOC, is processed with some alkaline reactions with the help of few minerals and made into a product which is now being used in agriculture. This is a precious element in agriculture. we should give more importance to it than gold.

Not all DOC’s are same. Percentage of oxidation, age of the lignite, concentration of organic substances and few other parameters plays a vital role in selecting the quality DOC mine.

Few questions will be raised in the public after reading this text

  1. why we need to use this product, when already humus production is a never-ending process in the soil. even today also it is happening. will be produced in millions of tonnes in the soil. Then why we really need to use a product ?

  2. How This 1 KG quantity of Avani sudhi matters in acres of land, when tonnes of humus is produced in the soil daily ?

Organic matter production is a natural process, but we destroyed it.

  1. By using excessive chemical fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides


These chemicals killed the microbes present in the soil.

Killing is different. They should die as part of soil food web.

The way we killed is different. We killed their successors. Next generations.

Organic matter production process had stopped due to lack of microbes.

We used the soil vigourously in last 50 years. we raped the soil.

We are indebted to the mother soil.

Microbes of course, they should die. but not Using chemicals.

they should die as a part of soil food web. Soil food web produces organic matter (OM).

But killing them using chemicals stops the next generations. Their by OM production will be stopped.

Few things needs to be done to again restart the humus production in soil

  1. Stop using fertilisers

  2. Stop using pesticides

  3. Stop using herbicide

  4. Stop using all the dangerous chemicals in the agriculture

Logically this is not possible in reality. because if you simply stopped today, there will be no balance in agriculture. So we should show the alternative or at least reduce half the dosages with the help of organic replacements.

The only miraculous replacement for fertilizers is AVANI SUDHI.

Just 500 Grams to 1 KG of Avani sudhi Will replace 30 to 50% fertilizer dosages in all the crops in the first year itself. We had this feedback from farmers in reality from last 2 years.

How this is possible?

As we already talked about it, that it’s a decomposed product for about 70 million years. Things happened in this time duration cannot be understood deeper with our human brains.

But few things scientists imagined is

Organic substances had become strongly concentrated & soluble. It has got nano solubility.

If you simply spout the Crushed, dried cow dung powder on the soil, how much deeper into the pores, in between the layers of the soil will it go ?


Not much. it cannot go deeper because the cow dung particles are larger in size. But the The particle size of the Avani sudhi is Nano in size, it can break down more and more and travels even between the tough clay clay layers of the soil.


This happens only when Avani sudhi is applied in soil and latter touched with rain water or flooded water. 1 KG Avani Sudhi can make 1 Lakh litres of the water blackish. That’s the power of it.

These organic particles go into the Nano pores of the soil. Maximum volume of the soil will be occupied by Avani sudhi. Each and every inch of soil is occupied by avani sudhi due to its nano solubility.


This carbon rich product will give enormous amount of possibility for life to enter into that place. microbes easily survive this positive environment.

That’s the basis of everything. This carbon rich environment is very useful for microbial life. When microbes enter, humus production starts.

Just 1% increase in humus content in the soil hold 95,000 L of water. So there will be a huge water storage rainwater capturing. Drought problems will go away.


Humus by weight it’s made a bunch of nutrients. Humans holds Not only N, P, K, and other micronutrients, many humans unnamed nutrients are available in it. Which leads to greater immunity agonist biotic and abiotic stress. And also resistance to fungal infestations on crops.


Few other organic substances present in avani sudhi had a strongest chelation effect. All the fertilizers present in between the hard lumps & tough clay layers of the soil are harvested effectively and supplied to crops.


There will be a huge savings in fertiliser expenses. Almost 50%.



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