We sell our company products to different farmers from areas.
Let us Take 10 farmers as example,
2 out of 10 farmers are unaware, whether they used our products or not. They use 1000 products every year. out of those, our products are just one. They don’t recognise our company products as a separate product.
2 out of 10 farmers are not having observing ability. They simply do farming. No matter what crop, they just simply cultivate. No matter what product they use, they simply keep clam & cultivate crops.
2 out of 10 farmers will get excellent result in the crop after using our products. They will observe the difference after using products. But they won’t share their words with other farmers. Possession behaviour. they don’t want his colleague farmers to get the best results like how he got.
1 out of 10 farmers will get the excellent result. But they are shy at expressing it to the public. Introvert behaviour. They feel shy to get captured in videos.
1 out of 10 farmers will not get the result as they expected. Result is not upto their expectations.
In 70 - 80 % percent of our company’s client farmers - few are unaware- few are lack of observing ability - few are possessive - few are shy.
But, 2 out of 10 farmers will get the best results. They love to share their experiences of how our products helped their crops. We capture them and presented to the people through youtube. Links are given below…..