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How we think ?

Everybody should do some work. whether it’s working in a company or building a company, everybody are involved in the materialism. everybody is selling something to live a life with more comforts.


But most of the times people sell the products which are really not necessary for the society.


we have to follow the information given in the Indian ancient vedas about the business ethics.


Business is not a problem, but what kind of a business you are doing is problem.


Is that product / service really necessary ? or you wantedly creating the necessities & fulfilling them with businesses ?

Ex : Selling chemically grown food - making them sick - supplying treatments through medical industry.


Does your product valued properly ? - Value proposition is important.


Human health is important. Your business should not ruin it.


Does it really helpful for the people / society ?


To what segment / category of people it is helpful ? And how much segment of people can afford it ?


Is it a marginal corporate or an ethically needed business ?


Neediness is considered priority.



Business ethics are really important, but in the today life - business ethics are considered irrelevant by the corporate loyalties, but we have to discuss about it and we have to follow the ethics in business and it has some purpose


Values such as 

nishtha (sincerity), 

samarpana (commitment), 

kartavya-parayanta (responsibility), 

aparigraha (non-possession), 

brahamcharya (moral conduct), 

jigyasa (curiosity to learn), 

kauslam (efficiency), 

vividha (innovation), 

samatva (impartiality), etc. are particularly relevant for corporate governance.


Fairness is very important for corporate governance, which is described by phrases like 

“advaistha sarvabhutanam”, 

“samah sarveshu bhuteshu”,

“sarvatra samam pashyati”, 

which are commonly heard in Indian culture.


Fairness towards one and all in Bhagavat Gita is described by phrases like  “vasudhaiv kutumbakam”  which means - oneness of whole universe.


non-killing, truthfulness, non-stealing are important values we should follow.


Is your business just to make the money ?


Once Sadhguru said, the most intelligent human being on the earth will think about what is actually required the most to us in the present situation.


Requirement is very important aspect to think, when you’re starting a business.


Let us discuss few examples to understand, how business ethics & values are 

Example 1 :


Processing units buy 1 KG maize seeds at Rs.15 from farmers. They press them into flakes and selling at Rs.400 in the market ( Corn flakes ).


Example 2 :


Brown rice is a well made grain given by the nature, But we humans did wonders with it. With crores of investment, we established rice processing industry. We processed ( simply polished ) brown rice into white rice ( by product : rice bran ) And selling them separately in the market. White rice lost 80 % nutrients during polishing process. What left in the White rice is purely carbohydrate…





this white rice had become 3 meals a day consumption in most of the areas. Which is now responsible for diabetes industry. ( 1 in 6 people of india are diabetic - nearly 77 million ) ( in 2020 ). This number is going to double in next 5 years. On an average, Diabetes patients are spending 14,000 Rs / year. Total diabetes patients in india are collectively spending 1 Lakh plus crores yearly. This amount is a good contribution to our country’s GDP ( ~ 140 lakh crores ).


We should not do businesses that contribute GDP. We should do businesses that contribute to human well-being.


White rice is also responsible for heart attacks, high blood pressure and many other diseases…….,


As white lost 80% nutrients, due to the daily consumption, people are facing malnutrition.


Daily consumption of polished - Protein less - white rice is now responsible for protein deficiency ( 73% of india are protein deficient ). And again a million dollars investment to defeat the deficiency ; protein powders supplement industry.


Daily consumption of polished - vitamins & minerals lost - white rice is now responsible for multi vitamin & mineral deficiencies. ( 7 out of 10  Indians are vitamin deficient ) ( Every day, more than 3,000 children ( < 5 years age ) are dying in India die to nutrient deficiencies ). And again a million dollars investment to defeat the deficiency ; Multi vitamin & minerals supplement industry.


No need of protein powders & multi vitamin & mineral supplements, if you eat whole grains & whole food ( unpolished, unprocessed ) daily.


And also, these nutrients are sold in the name of powders like horlicks, boost, etc. 

and also in the name of fibre rich raw biscuits. And again a crores of investment ; biscuits making industry.

horlicks, etc powders making industry.


Recently new industries emerged on rice.


Oryzanol capsule supplement making industry

Rice bran oil making industry.

( again a million dollars investment )

These 2 are made from rice bran.


Here, the Common sense arises, 


Firstly why to polish brown rice and establishing these many industries, rather than consuming it directly. Eating brown rice fulfills everything that are discussed above. Then why we Established different industries in between


Rice polishing industry

Biscuits making industry

Milk powders making industry

Rice bran oil making industry

Oryzanol capsule supplement making industry

Protein supplements industry

Multi vitamin supplements industry


And due to eating of white rice for decades, diseases and disorders took place.


Medical industry

Pharmaceutical industry



A huge investment 

A huge money flow

A huge mess & stress

These are Actually unnecessary industries, These are unnecessary investments, unnecessary cash flows. Which are leading to unnecessary stress & anxiety in people.


These industries are also damaging the health conditions of the people. And these are also responsible for medical industry establishment. Almost half of the money earned by the society is getting robbed by this medical industry. I don’t know how, people are digesting these hard truths : In Pharmaceutical industry, so called medicine that is made at 10 Rs is sold at 500 - 1000 Rs. With out any hesitation, people are buying them.


there is so much to discuss about the rice. People who can connect the dots, they can understand and explore the different aspects on this


How brainless the people are…..Rather than eating brown rice,


we are eating lot of products like

  • Extra polished white rice ( people wants food to look good )

  • Rice bran based protein powders ( people how drink protein powders, they feel like they achieved something )

  • Rice bran oil

  • Gamma Oryzanol supplement capsules : Per day, we eat 100 - 150 grams of Brown Rice. 1 Gram Rice contains 30 - 80 mcg oryzanol content. So everyday we are eating minimum of 10 mg oryzanol by eating brown rice ( 2 times a day ). It’s nature given. Its enough for us. But the supplements industry is selling this Gamma oryzanol capsules at 500 Rs - 1500 Rs per month. People can get a bag of rice with this amount.

  • Fibre rich raw biscuits

  • Horlicks like powders


The problem is - we are eating food like products, not food.

The problem is - we invented food - we invented diseases too.


We are spending 3 - 4 Times more money on them. This is unethical.

Brown rice is very cheap compare to all these products.

brown rice is full of natural nutrition, compared to all these products.

Brown rice is risk-free.

Brown rice is stress free.

Brown rice is nature given.



From these examples, we can understand that, we should take time - pause here and re-evaluate all the business models, that are now being done in the society. Cross check the business ethics


  • Price fairness

  • Neediness of business

  • People’s health

  • Impact of business on natures ecosystems. Not on economic systems.

  • Long term impacts of products

  • Limitations in consumer culture. Not everything should be a product.


That's our entire economic system: buy things. Everybody buy. It doesn't matter what you buy. Just buy. It doesn't matter if you don't have money. Just buy. Our entire civilization now rests on the assumption that, no matter what else happens, we will all continue to buy lots and lots of things. Buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. And then buy a little more. Don't create, or produce, or discover -- just buy. Never save, never invest, never cut back -- just buy. Buy what you don't need with money you don't have... Buy like you breathe, only more frequently.



What not is pricy 

what not is unreasonable 

what not is unethical in this corporate world - Materialistic world - Consumeristic world.


But our company “ MUTATE “ is having some ethics.


By selling Our company Mutate products to the farmers, Profits are not only for the company, But Also 


  • Regenerates the soils which are damaged for decades. ( For Healthy Life, we need Healthy soils )


  • Giving Rebirth to microbial life. Which leads to increase in  soil fertility, Increase in soil humus content, enhancement of soil food web. these things are a lifetime gift for our company. we were very proud of it.


  • Our products helps farmers to reduce the investments in the farming. Almost 50% of the investments in the farming will be reduced if you use our Mutate company products in the way we guided. This 50% reduction in investment is nothing but 50% reduction in fertilisers and pesticides. So we will be the reason for initiating the end of chemical farming. This 50% end of chemicals will be end to so many Problems.


  • Our products helps people to recover the health. How ? Avani sudhi reduces Fertilizer requirements in crops by 30 - 50 % in the first year it self. In 4 - 5 years, farmers will come to zero Fertilizer farming. FERTILIZER RESIDUE FREE crops are fed by humus ( packed with nutrients ) rich soils. This nutritious Crops - Fertilizer Residue free crop will enhance the health of whole humanity.

  • Dangerous cancers, skin diseases, lung diseases et cetera are due to the synthetic  pesticides, fungicides & herbicides. These slow poisons are coming into our plates. we are reducing their doses with our mutate products.

  • Soil is one of the key element. we are serving it. It’s our company‘s pride / privilege /proudness / luck / gift / hope / goal / Moto etc

  • We in our business - making money is the last priority. We are helping farmers reducing the cost of cultivation. Low cost of cultivation has a direct impact on reducing farmer suicides.

  • All the water resources are getting contaminated by the chemical farming. these chemicals inputs slowly seep through the soil into the water lakes  & rivers & groundwaters. As chemicals are reduced with the help of our company products, water resources are also getting cleaner.

  • We also helping our distributors, by giving most of the margin from revenues, to fulfilling the needs in reality ( our distributors travel 150 - 200 kms daily, to serve the farmers ). we are also providing them a life, where they interact with the great people called “farmers” on every day basis. Some farmers with love and affection, they offer fresh vegetables and fresh fruits which are cultivated in their farms. That love has a huge impact in our home. Our distributors are hearing lot of feedbacks from the farmers. When Farmer says the result, the amount of happiness that the distributor experience - cannot be measured, cannot be explained. they can lead the most satisfactory life.

  • Our products like Amrut, et cetera et cetera are helping to reduce the air pollution

  • Our company products are also helping wrongly guided business people like fertiliser and pesticide manufacturers and sellers, by decreasing their sales and increasing their health.

  • And we are also helping the whole humanity by giving them a fresh food - organic food - nutritious food - non-chemical food, from our client farmers.

  • We are also helping the doctors, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, medical schools to take rest. Why because, people eat what farmers cultivate and the way they cultivate. farmers are cultivating by using Mutate products which are 100% Organic. So there will be no health issues in the people. ( medical industry will only survive until synthetic Fertilizer, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides industry survives )

  • We are helping all five elements from not getting polluted from the harmful - unstable - chemical farming inputs.

  • We are proud that, we are providing the true knowledge to society with 99 percent transparency.

  • And in reality we are logically dealing the organic farming myths. No farmer will listen to you, if you say - stop using fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and all other chemical farming inputs - today itself. if you say this lines, no one will listen your words. Even though you explain them with deeper sciences. But with our company Products, they are Naturally replacing the Fertilizers and pesticides without any reduction in yields. slowly in 3 to 4 years by using our products, chemical farmers can become completely organic farmers.


Thank you

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